2012년 11월 13일 화요일

NORWAY - Gifts

Please be advised that gifts to private persons and companies in Norway are subject to normal customs clearance, meaning that the receiver will be charged the applicable import taxes.
The only exception is gifts from a private person to a private person providing the value of the goods are below NOK 1000.  The commercial invoice must show the receivers social security number in order to avoid a standard customs clearance and avoid import taxes. It is also important that 'gift' is stated on the commercial invoice in addition to a more detailed description of the goods.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page :

NORWAY - Alcohol Restrictions

NORWAY - Alcohol Restrictions
It is prohibited to send alcohol to companies in Norway unless they have an import license. It is however allowed to send alcohol to a private person, as long as the receiver / buyer on the commercial invoice is a private person and his / hers social security number is stated on the invoice.
If the alcohol is a gift, it is important that 'gift' is stated on the commercial invoice and details of what kind of alcohol (e.g. White wine - Chardonnay 6 x 0.75cl bottles). The receiver will be charged import and excise duties even if it is a gift. Customers wishing to send alcohol to Norway should be informed of these rules.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page :

2012년 11월 7일 수요일

Saudi Arabia - Customs Update Affecting Imports & Exports

Saudi Arabia - Customs Update Affecting Imports & Exports

The situation created by the short notice introduction of the new instructions by Saudi Arabian customs is complex. It has led to an unpredictable situation at the border points with non-compliant freight and vehicles held , adding to transportation delays. The directions outlined in this Broadcast are designed to minimise the impact on the imports and exports moved by TNT and to ensure compliance with the new measures as long as they remain in force. The situation on the ground is being monitored closely and any significant changes in status will be notified through the Broadcast mechanism.
As a result of a process change in Saudi customs, the below communication is being broadcast to all Middle East customers. In light of the below information, we are continuing to engage the Saudi Customs Authority in regards to additional clarity on implementation of the new processes with further updates to be issued when available.
1) It is crucial that all new consignments collected comply with the below requirements to avoid any service delays. For consignment that have already entered the network, the respective customer services team must contact the sender to request the additional information which should be forwarded to the group name CUSTOM.INQUIRY.KSA.1.

2) All transit cons held in BAH will be given an "MRC" status update with all consignments held in the Bahrain Causeway or Al Bhata facilities given a "ID" status update. Due to potential capacity issues within Bahrain, a revised standard RO policy of 5 days will also be applied to all consignments for which the documentation is not received, with all costs being ISB'd to the origin country.
The Saudi Arabia Customs Authority have recently issued a new customs clearance requirement for both importers and exporters. This process requires the sender/shipper to present evidence, at the time of customs clearance, of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported to, or exported from, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For example the financial transaction could be payment via cash, Letter of Credit, electronic remittance or any other legitimate financial means. Note, this specifically refers to the transaction between the seller and the buyer, and not to the financial transaction between the sender/receiver and the transporter, i.e. TNT. 

TNT has also received confirmation that the Saudi Customs clearance system has now been updated to accommodate this new information requirement with further system updates expected in the near future.
The new process therefore results in the following:

Applicable to all express products destined for Dammam & the Eastern province of  Saudi Arabia, all economy express products and all Full Truck Load (FTL) products destined for Saudi Arabia.

For consignments being customs cleared at the Bahrain / Saudi Causeway Clearance facility
Low Value Consignments (Value Exceeding SR 375 But Below SR 50,000)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported.
b) Alternatively, the importer of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods imported.

High Value Consignments (Value Exceeding SR 50,000)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported. 
b) If this is not available, a financial declaration form (Arabic) may be completed and must be signed and stamped by the sender and handed over to TNT at the time of collection. Note: An English version is available for reference purposes only.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods imported.
d) Alternatively, the importer of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.

For Full Truck Load consignments being customs cleared at the Al Bhata land border facility
All Consignments (regardless of the value)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported / exported. 
b) Alternatively, the importer of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods imported/exported.
d) As a further alternative for GCC origin consignments, the shipper may choose to pay all duties in the origin country and the consignment will be cleared in to Saudi Arabia via the recognised Makassa process. Please contact your local TNT Customer Service representative who will be able to provide further details on this option

Applicable to all consignments exiting Saudi Arabia via the Bahrain / Saudi Causeway Clearance facility

All Consignments (regardless of the value)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being exported. 
b) Alternatively, the exporter of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods exported.

The above requirement is effective immediately. For consignments that are currently in transit, you will be contacted shortly by your respective TNT Customer Services team to obtain the required documentation. It would therefore be beneficial if you could start to compile this in advance to avoid any further delays to your consignments.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

사우디아라비아 세관은 최근 수출입에 관련된 새로운 통관규정을 공포하였습니다. 이 프로세스는
발송인/화주에게 세관통관 시점에 판매자와 구매자 사이에 결제에 관한 증명을 요구하도록 하고 있습니다.
결제증명의 예로는 현금지급증명서, 신용장, 전신환 또는 그 밖의 법적결제수단으로 결제하였음을
증명하는 서류를 의미합니다.
결제의 당사자는 판매자와 구매자가 되어야 하며, 발송인과 운송업체 사이의 결제는 해당이 안됩니다.
이와 관련된 보다 상세한 내용은 다음의 ExpressNet 통관관련 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

SAUDI ARABIA - Customs Clearance Issues Update
TNT는 현재 Bahrain과 Saudi Arabia간의 환적화물 통관에 문제를 겪고 있습니다.
이는 모든 국가로부터 Bahrain행 Economy Express의 서비스 지연의 원인이 되고 있습니다.
Express 화물은 Dhahran을 통한 Eastern province행 non-document를 제외하고는
현재까지는 영향은 없습니다.
이는 산업전반에 걸치 문제이며, 현재 400대 가량의 차량이 Bahrain측에 지연대기 중인것으로
파악하고 있습니다. 현재 관련된 기관과 통관이 언제쯤 정상화될 수 있는지를
확인 중에 있습니다.
현재의 차량지연이 매우 심각하고 Bahrain 전역에 걸쳐 발생하고 있기 때문에 언제쯤
정상화될지는 예측할 수 없는 상황입니다. 통관상황이 개선될 경우 추가적으로
업데이트하도록 하겠습니다.

2012년 11월 4일 일요일

Japan, Import Restrictions

1 - Quarantine items into Japan
There are strict regulations covering the importation of quarantine or quarantine suspected items into Japan.
Any quarantine items or quarantine suspected items must be shipped to Japan as 'S' product on a separate MAWB.
Please refer to the Japan Quarantine Expressnet page for further details   http://expressnet.tnt.com/content/intranet/en_wn/site/home/Customs/jq.html

2 - Importation of knives to Japan
Knives are a strictly controlled commodity in Japan and cannot be sent as 15N or 48N.  They must be shipped as 'S' product on a separate MAWB.
All knives are subject to Customs inspection under the surveillance of the Japanese Police Department and often require a full explanation from the importer.  Also some types of knives are prohibited for importation into Japan.
Before shipping origins are required to contact Clearance.TYO.1@tnt.com for further clarification

3 - Temperature controlled shipments to Japan
Japan has relocated clearance point from NRT to TYO depot and TYO depot has no freezer / cooling facility.  Therefore any consignments needing temperature control must be shipped as 'S' product. so that they can be stored at NRT airport where freezer / cooling facilities are available.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below: