2013년 1월 16일 수요일

Canada - Import Value Threshold Changes

As of January 08, 2013 Canada Customs have increased the low-value shipment (LVS) threshold from $1,600 to $2,500 CAD.
The value thresholds for customs clearance is now as follows:
$0.01 to $20 - De minimus (duty and tax exempt)
$20.01 to $2,500 - Low Value Shipment (LVS), expedited manifest clearance (duty and taxes applicable)
$2,500.01 and over - High Value Shipment (HVS), formal clearance required (duty and taxes applicable)
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:
Canada - 수입가격한도 변경
2013년 1월 8일부터 Canada 세관은 Low-value shipment의 한도를 CAD 1,600에서 2,500으로 상향조정하였습니다.
변경된 세관의 가격한도는 다음과 같습니다.
CAD $0.01에서 $20 - De Minimus (관세 및 부가세 면제)
CAD $20.01에서 $2,500 - Low Value Shipment (LVS), 간이통관 (관세 및 부가세 부과)
CAD $2,500.01 초과 - High Value Shipment (HVS), 정식통관 (관세 및 부가세 부과)

통관과 관련된 상세한 정보는 ExpressNet의 통관관련 전용 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

2013년 1월 15일 화요일

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Changes to Import Regulations

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Changes to Import Regulations

Starting Monday January 7 2013 the level for low value manifest clearance into the US is raised from $ 2,000 to $ 2,500. The low value breakdown now is as follows:
De minimus $1-$200  Duty Free
Informal  $201-$2,500 Duties due (Pre-alert to us.duty@tnt.com required for DDP shipments)
The new rule also allows for manifest clearance for the following commodities where this was not allowed before:
Tariff ch. 39-40 Plastics and Articles thereof
Tariff ch. 41-43 Rawhide, Leathers, Travel goods, handbags, etc.
Tariff ch. 50-63 Textiles and articles thereof
Tariff ch. 64-67 Footwear ,etc.
Tariff ch.   94 Furniture, bedding, etc.
The formal entry rule is still in effect for below items:
tariff ch. 15  Animal or Vegetable  Fats and Oil,
tariff ch.  16-24 Prepared foodstuffs, beverages, etc.

Above changes will greatly improve service to some of our Customers. ( i.e. Previously we required TAX ID’s  and POA for any textiles over $ 250, now this is only required after $ 2,500)
TNT USA also increased the value of unrestricted shipments cleared under TNT USA’s Customs Bond. Previously this was up to $ 10,000, this is now up to $ 50,000.
$2,500-$ 50,000   Only TAX ID# required from Consignee for unrestricted Merchandise
>$ 50,000   Power of Attorney required from Consignee
Power of Attorney is always required if Consignee wants to claim any Trade Agreements or for Restricted Merchandise (Fish & Wildlife, FDA, USDA, EPA, etc.)
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2013년 1월 7일부터 미국으로 수입되는 화물에 대한 간이통관 대상 Value가 $2,000에서 $2,500으로
상향조정됩니다. Low Value에 대한 구분은 다음과 같습니다.

De minimus    $1- $200  면세
간이통관  $201-$2,500  부가세 부과(DDP조건인 경우에는 us.duty@tnt.com으로 Pre-alert발송)

새로운 규정은 이전에는 간이통관대상이 아니었던 다음의 상품에 대해서도 간이통관이 적용됩니다.
Tariff ch.   39-40   Plastics and Articles thereof
Tariff ch.   41-43   Rawhide, Leathers, Travel goods, handbags, etc.
Tariff ch.   50-63   Textiles and articles thereof
Tariff ch.   64-67   Footwear ,etc.
Tariff ch.     94   Furniture, bedding, etc.

정식통관은 다음의 물품에 대해서는 지속적으로 적용됩니다.:
tariff ch.   15    Animal or Vegetable  Fats and Oil,
tariff ch.    16-24   Prepared foodstuffs, beverages, etc.

상기의 변경을 통하여 세관의 서비스가 개선되리라 기대됩니다. ( 예를들어 이전에는 $250 이상의 화물에
대하여 TAX ID와 POA를 요구하였으나, 현재는 $2,500 이상에 대해서만 요청을 하게 되었습니다.)
TNT USA는 또한 USA 세관보세구역에서 통관되는 화물의 금액을 상향조정하였습니다.
$2,500-$50,000  화주에게 TAX ID 번호만을 요구
$50,000 이상  화주로부터의 위임장 필요
위임장은 화주가 Trade Agreement 또는 제한품목(Fish & Wildlife, FDA, USDA, EPA 등)인 경우에는
반드시 필요합니다.

보다 상세한 통관에 관한 정보가 필요한 경우에는 아래의 ExpressNet 상의 통관전용 페이지에서
확인하시기 바랍니다.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Changes to Import Regulations

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Changes to Import Regulations

Starting Monday January 7 2013 the level for low value manifest clearance into the US is raised from $ 2,000 to $ 2,500. The low value breakdown now is as follows:
De minimus $1-$200  Duty Free
Informal  $201-$2,500 Duties due (Pre-alert to us.duty@tnt.com required for DDP shipments)
The new rule also allows for manifest clearance for the following commodities where this was not allowed before:
Tariff ch. 39-40 Plastics and Articles thereof
Tariff ch. 41-43 Rawhide, Leathers, Travel goods, handbags, etc.
Tariff ch. 50-63 Textiles and articles thereof
Tariff ch. 64-67 Footwear ,etc.
Tariff ch.   94 Furniture, bedding, etc.
The formal entry rule is still in effect for below items:
tariff ch. 15  Animal or Vegetable  Fats and Oil,
tariff ch.  16-24 Prepared foodstuffs, beverages, etc.

Above changes will greatly improve service to some of our Customers. ( i.e. Previously we required TAX ID’s  and POA for any textiles over $ 250, now this is only required after $ 2,500)
TNT USA also increased the value of unrestricted shipments cleared under TNT USA’s Customs Bond. Previously this was up to $ 10,000, this is now up to $ 50,000.
$2,500-$ 50,000   Only TAX ID# required from Consignee for unrestricted Merchandise
>$ 50,000   Power of Attorney required from Consignee
Power of Attorney is always required if Consignee wants to claim any Trade Agreements or for Restricted Merchandise (Fish & Wildlife, FDA, USDA, EPA, etc.)
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 12월 6일 목요일

Bahrain - Certificate of Origin Requirements

Bahrain - Certificate of Origin Requirements
With effect from Saturday 1st  Dec 2012, all consignments consigned to Bahrain with an invoice value in excess of BD 500 (USD 1324) should be accompanied by an original Certificate of Origin (COO).
If the consignment originates from a non-Arab country, the original COO must be legalised by an embassy of one of the following defined Arab countries:
Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

Alternatively,  if an original COO is not available TNT can clear the consignment by paying a penalty of  BD 50 (USD 132.30). This penalty is refundable if the consignee submits an original COO to Bahrain customs within 90 days from the time of customs clearance.
Note - Consignments with an invoice value above BD 37.70 (USD 100) but below BD 500 (USD 1324) are exempted from the original COO requirement  if the country of origin is stated on the invoice and  clearly marked on the product / contents.
Other exemptions from the above include -
Any consignment where the invoice value is below  BD 37.70 (USD 100)
Movies & audio records
Newspapers & magazines
Personal effects
Used machinery
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Brhrain - 원산지증명서 요청
2012년 12월 1일부터 Invoice상의 가격이 BD 500 (USD1324)를 초과하는 Bahrain 행 모든 화물에
대해서는 원산지증명서(COO) 원본이 반드시 필요합니다.
Arab 국가 이외의 국가에서 수입되는 화물의 경우에 원산지증명서 원본은 아래의 Arab국가로
정의된 국가의 대사관에서 인증을 받은 것이라야 합니다.

Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,
Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,
Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
그렇지 않고 원본 원산지증명서가 없는 경우에는 TNT가  벌금 BD 50 (USD 132.30)을
납부해야지만 통관을 할 수 있습니다. 이 벌금은 통관시점으로부터 90일 내에 Bahrain 세관에
원본 원산지 증명서를 제출한 경우에는 환급받을 수 있습니다.
주의 - Invoice상의 금액이 BD 37.70 (USD 100) 이상이고 BD 500 (USD 1324) 이하인 경우에는
원산지 국가가 Invoice 상에 명확히 기재되어 있고 물품 또는 내용물에 마킹이 되어 있는
경우에는 원본 원산지증명서 제출이 면제 됩니다.
기타 면제사유는 -
 Invoice 상의 가격이 BD 37.70 (USD 100) 이하인 화물
 Movies & audio records
 신문 또는 잡지
 중고 기계류
통관과 관련된 보다 자세한 사항은 아래의 ExpressNet 통관관련 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


2012년 12월 5일 수요일

Australia - Prohibited Items

Australian Customs have released the below information relating to goods
that will be seized and destroyed coming in to Australia.
The following items are not permitted to be imported in to Australia.
   Laser pointers;
   Flick knives; and
   Novelty shock devices, such as electric fly swatters and cigarette
These goods will be seized and destroyed by Australian Customs and Border
Protection if arriving into Australia.  Please ensure no such items are
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please
visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Australia - 발송금지품
호주 세관은 보류하거나 폐기할 품목에 대하여 아래와 같이 공지하였습니다.
다음의 물품은 호주로의 수입이 금지됩니다.
   레이저 포인터 (Laser pointers)
   날이 튀어나오는 칼 (Flick knives)
   전기 충격 장치 (Novelty shock devices, such as electric fly swatters and cigarette)
   라이터 (lighters)
상기의 물품이 호주로 반입되는 경우에는 세관 또는 국경보호국에 의해서 보류되고 폐기될 예정입니다.
이러한 물품이 발송되지 않도록 조치를 바랍니다.
통관과 관련된 보다 상세한 정보가 필요하실 경우에는 ExpressNet상의 통관전용 페이지를 이용하여
주시기 바랍니다.



2012년 11월 13일 화요일

NORWAY - Gifts

Please be advised that gifts to private persons and companies in Norway are subject to normal customs clearance, meaning that the receiver will be charged the applicable import taxes.
The only exception is gifts from a private person to a private person providing the value of the goods are below NOK 1000.  The commercial invoice must show the receivers social security number in order to avoid a standard customs clearance and avoid import taxes. It is also important that 'gift' is stated on the commercial invoice in addition to a more detailed description of the goods.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page :

NORWAY - Alcohol Restrictions

NORWAY - Alcohol Restrictions
It is prohibited to send alcohol to companies in Norway unless they have an import license. It is however allowed to send alcohol to a private person, as long as the receiver / buyer on the commercial invoice is a private person and his / hers social security number is stated on the invoice.
If the alcohol is a gift, it is important that 'gift' is stated on the commercial invoice and details of what kind of alcohol (e.g. White wine - Chardonnay 6 x 0.75cl bottles). The receiver will be charged import and excise duties even if it is a gift. Customers wishing to send alcohol to Norway should be informed of these rules.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page :