2012년 10월 21일 일요일

Botswana - Customs Update (Imports into Botswana)

Botswana - Customs Update (Imports into Botswana)
In May 2012 a broadcast was issued providing information on Customs import requirements into Botswana. There are still instances of non adherence to the requirements which is having a detrimental effect to the TNT service.  All origins should ensure adherence to the requirements below -

Due to continued non adherence to previous network broadcasts, Customs authorities have now urged TNT to enforce the below requirements, failing which all cargo will with immediate effect be held in transit (Customs States Warehouse) in JNB pending compliance.

For ease of reference please find below the document requirements -
For all non document shipments, a commercial invoice must be provided. Pro-forma invoices are not accepted and goods will be detained / stopped by Customs and clearance processing will be terminated pending compliance.
The commercial invoices must contain the following information and the Originals must accompany the actual consignment:-
1. Freight costs must be stipulated/predetermined on all commercial invoices.
2. Name and address of the consignor (shipper) and consignee (receiver), with contact details
3. Invoice date
4. Complete and meaningful description and origin of the goods
5. HS Code (Harmonized Tariff Code)
6. True value of the goods (price per item, total value per type of goods, total value and currency)
7. Under which conditions the cargo is shipped to the receiver (Incoterms)
8. Reason for export.
9. Statement of veracity, signature and date
10. No hand written invoices are allowed as the invoice must be computer generated.
Please ensure all commercial invoices have a truthful value and statements such as "value for customs purpose only" should be avoided at all times, as this leads to re-evaluation and additional fines.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 10월 18일 목요일

USA - Update of Policy on Importing Alcohol to the USA

USA - Update of Policy on Importing Alcohol to the USA

Please be informed, the TNT USA Alcohol Policy has been updated to provide a more competitive offering to our customers.  The new policy streamlines the clearance process, and reduces the fees associated with shipping alcohol to the USA.
Please see below link to the updated TNT USA Alcohol Policy. 

The main points that have changed in the policy are:
• Shipment can now be send as 15N at no additional delivery charges, additional delivery charges only apply to three US states: New Hampshire, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
• Total clearance fees are now $30 instead of $40 (This does not include: Duties, taxes and any Bond Fees that may occur)
• Clearance fees will be invoiced to the receiver, unless sent as DDP (prior agreement required).

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Cuba - New Customs Regulations

Cuba -  New Customs Regulations

Be informed that  since 03 -September- 2012  Cuba Customs is applying the following regulations for shipments over 3 k  or  30 USD :

Duties and taxes for shipments addressed  to  private persons can only be pay by Receiver.
 ICR/ISB is not acceptable.

If duties and taxes are rejected, shipments will be returned  to origin.
Shipments can be held for a maximum of 30 days , after that period of time  must  be returned  to origin

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Russian Federation - Customs requirements for document shipments.

Russian Federation - Customs requirements for document shipments.

Please be informed that only documents which were written/printed on paper can be sent as "document shipment" (15D) to Russian Federation.  Any other type of shipment including CD of documents, etc. are regarded as non-document shipments.

All other non-document enclosures shipped as 'documents' (other then actual written or printed papers) are revealed by customs and considered to be a violation of RU Customs legislation.
In all cases where non-documents are found in Document bags - the whole TNT import cargo is stopped and total Customs inspection is performed.

Expected delay in delivery can be expected - no less than 24 hours.

Penalties applicable for these violation may also jeopardise TNT business in RU and lead to loss of the licences, therefore, please ensure ONLY true document shipments are shipped as documents to Russia.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Import restrictions for drugs / pharmaceuticals into Thailand

Import restrictions for drugs / pharmaceuticals into Thailand:

No person can import any drugs to Thailand unless an import license has been obtained prior to the consignment arrival into Thailand, otherwise customs clearance delays cannot be avoided.  In addition, if the import license is obtained after the consignment arrival, a customs fine will be levied on the receiver as an offence of misconduct in performing customs formality for such restricted commodity. Most importantly, failure to obtain the import license  will lead to the consignment being confiscated and destroyed by Customs,

The Import License exemption can be allowed for the following:

The importation by ministries, public bodies and departments who have their duties in preventing, controlling or treating disease and by the Thai Red Cross and the Government Pharmaceutical Organization.

For more information and enquiry before exporting such commodities from your origin country to Thailand you can access to http://www.fda.moph.go.th/eng/drug/index.stm

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts express net page below:

2012년 10월 7일 일요일

Mozambique Customs Requirements

Broadcast - Mozambique Customs Requirements

Please be advised that the following invoice requirement must be adhered too for all non-document shipments sent to Mozambique (MZ)
All invoices must state the receiver's NUIT number (VAT Registration number)
For those shippers that do not have the NUIT number for the consignee, should obtain this information from the consignee prior to shipping.
Should any shipment arrive into Mozambique where the NUIT number is not shown on the invoice, the shipment will be delayed by customs.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Mozambique 세관 요청

다음의 인보이스 상의 요구사항이 Mozambique (MZ)으로 발송되는 non-document에 대하여 준수되어야 합니다.
모든 인보이스 상에는 수취인의 NUIT 번호 ( VAT 등록번호 )가 기재되여야 합니다.

수취인의 NUIT 번호를 알지 못하는 발송인은 선적전에 수취인으로부터 번호를 받아야 합니다.
인보이스 상에 NUIT 번호없이 Mozambique에 도착하는 화물의 경우에는 통관이 지연됨을 염두에 두시기 바랍니다.
이건 또는 통관관련된 보다 상세한 정보가 필요하신 경우에는 아래의 expressnet 상의 통관관련 페이지를
참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.
