2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Russian Federation - Customs requirements for document shipments.

Russian Federation - Customs requirements for document shipments.

Please be informed that only documents which were written/printed on paper can be sent as "document shipment" (15D) to Russian Federation.  Any other type of shipment including CD of documents, etc. are regarded as non-document shipments.

All other non-document enclosures shipped as 'documents' (other then actual written or printed papers) are revealed by customs and considered to be a violation of RU Customs legislation.
In all cases where non-documents are found in Document bags - the whole TNT import cargo is stopped and total Customs inspection is performed.

Expected delay in delivery can be expected - no less than 24 hours.

Penalties applicable for these violation may also jeopardise TNT business in RU and lead to loss of the licences, therefore, please ensure ONLY true document shipments are shipped as documents to Russia.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

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