2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Import restrictions for drugs / pharmaceuticals into Thailand

Import restrictions for drugs / pharmaceuticals into Thailand:

No person can import any drugs to Thailand unless an import license has been obtained prior to the consignment arrival into Thailand, otherwise customs clearance delays cannot be avoided.  In addition, if the import license is obtained after the consignment arrival, a customs fine will be levied on the receiver as an offence of misconduct in performing customs formality for such restricted commodity. Most importantly, failure to obtain the import license  will lead to the consignment being confiscated and destroyed by Customs,

The Import License exemption can be allowed for the following:

The importation by ministries, public bodies and departments who have their duties in preventing, controlling or treating disease and by the Thai Red Cross and the Government Pharmaceutical Organization.

For more information and enquiry before exporting such commodities from your origin country to Thailand you can access to http://www.fda.moph.go.th/eng/drug/index.stm

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts express net page below:

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