2012년 9월 16일 일요일

Mozambique Customs Update (Imports into Mozambique)

Mozambique Customs Update (Imports into Mozambique)
Below are the requirements when sending freight into Mozambique.
For all non - document shipments, an original commercial invoice must be provided. Pro-forma invoices are not accepted and will be detained / stopped by Customs and processing thereof will be terminated pending on compliance.
The commercial invoices must contain the following information and the Originals thereof must accompany the actual consignment: -
1. All Freight cost must be stipulated / predetermined on all commercial invoices.
2. Name and address of the consignor (Shipper) and consignee (Receiver),with contact details
3. Invoice date
4. Complete and meaningful description and the origin of the goods
5. HS Code (Harmonised Tariff Code)
6. True value of the goods (Price per item, total value per type of goods, total value and currency)
7. Under which conditions the cargo is shipped to the receiver (Incoterms)
8. Reason for export.
9. Statement of veracity, signature and date
10. No hand written invoices are allowed as the invoice must be computer generated.

Please ensure all commercial invoices have a truthful value, statements as "value for customs purpose only" should be avoided at all times, as this leads to re-evaluation and additional fines.

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