2012년 12월 6일 목요일

Bahrain - Certificate of Origin Requirements

Bahrain - Certificate of Origin Requirements
With effect from Saturday 1st  Dec 2012, all consignments consigned to Bahrain with an invoice value in excess of BD 500 (USD 1324) should be accompanied by an original Certificate of Origin (COO).
If the consignment originates from a non-Arab country, the original COO must be legalised by an embassy of one of the following defined Arab countries:
Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

Alternatively,  if an original COO is not available TNT can clear the consignment by paying a penalty of  BD 50 (USD 132.30). This penalty is refundable if the consignee submits an original COO to Bahrain customs within 90 days from the time of customs clearance.
Note - Consignments with an invoice value above BD 37.70 (USD 100) but below BD 500 (USD 1324) are exempted from the original COO requirement  if the country of origin is stated on the invoice and  clearly marked on the product / contents.
Other exemptions from the above include -
Any consignment where the invoice value is below  BD 37.70 (USD 100)
Movies & audio records
Newspapers & magazines
Personal effects
Used machinery
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Brhrain - 원산지증명서 요청
2012년 12월 1일부터 Invoice상의 가격이 BD 500 (USD1324)를 초과하는 Bahrain 행 모든 화물에
대해서는 원산지증명서(COO) 원본이 반드시 필요합니다.
Arab 국가 이외의 국가에서 수입되는 화물의 경우에 원산지증명서 원본은 아래의 Arab국가로
정의된 국가의 대사관에서 인증을 받은 것이라야 합니다.

Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,
Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria,
Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
그렇지 않고 원본 원산지증명서가 없는 경우에는 TNT가  벌금 BD 50 (USD 132.30)을
납부해야지만 통관을 할 수 있습니다. 이 벌금은 통관시점으로부터 90일 내에 Bahrain 세관에
원본 원산지 증명서를 제출한 경우에는 환급받을 수 있습니다.
주의 - Invoice상의 금액이 BD 37.70 (USD 100) 이상이고 BD 500 (USD 1324) 이하인 경우에는
원산지 국가가 Invoice 상에 명확히 기재되어 있고 물품 또는 내용물에 마킹이 되어 있는
경우에는 원본 원산지증명서 제출이 면제 됩니다.
기타 면제사유는 -
 Invoice 상의 가격이 BD 37.70 (USD 100) 이하인 화물
 Movies & audio records
 신문 또는 잡지
 중고 기계류
통관과 관련된 보다 자세한 사항은 아래의 ExpressNet 통관관련 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.


2012년 12월 5일 수요일

Australia - Prohibited Items

Australian Customs have released the below information relating to goods
that will be seized and destroyed coming in to Australia.
The following items are not permitted to be imported in to Australia.
   Laser pointers;
   Flick knives; and
   Novelty shock devices, such as electric fly swatters and cigarette
These goods will be seized and destroyed by Australian Customs and Border
Protection if arriving into Australia.  Please ensure no such items are
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please
visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Australia - 발송금지품
호주 세관은 보류하거나 폐기할 품목에 대하여 아래와 같이 공지하였습니다.
다음의 물품은 호주로의 수입이 금지됩니다.
   레이저 포인터 (Laser pointers)
   날이 튀어나오는 칼 (Flick knives)
   전기 충격 장치 (Novelty shock devices, such as electric fly swatters and cigarette)
   라이터 (lighters)
상기의 물품이 호주로 반입되는 경우에는 세관 또는 국경보호국에 의해서 보류되고 폐기될 예정입니다.
이러한 물품이 발송되지 않도록 조치를 바랍니다.
통관과 관련된 보다 상세한 정보가 필요하실 경우에는 ExpressNet상의 통관전용 페이지를 이용하여
주시기 바랍니다.



2012년 11월 13일 화요일

NORWAY - Gifts

Please be advised that gifts to private persons and companies in Norway are subject to normal customs clearance, meaning that the receiver will be charged the applicable import taxes.
The only exception is gifts from a private person to a private person providing the value of the goods are below NOK 1000.  The commercial invoice must show the receivers social security number in order to avoid a standard customs clearance and avoid import taxes. It is also important that 'gift' is stated on the commercial invoice in addition to a more detailed description of the goods.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page :

NORWAY - Alcohol Restrictions

NORWAY - Alcohol Restrictions
It is prohibited to send alcohol to companies in Norway unless they have an import license. It is however allowed to send alcohol to a private person, as long as the receiver / buyer on the commercial invoice is a private person and his / hers social security number is stated on the invoice.
If the alcohol is a gift, it is important that 'gift' is stated on the commercial invoice and details of what kind of alcohol (e.g. White wine - Chardonnay 6 x 0.75cl bottles). The receiver will be charged import and excise duties even if it is a gift. Customers wishing to send alcohol to Norway should be informed of these rules.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page :

2012년 11월 7일 수요일

Saudi Arabia - Customs Update Affecting Imports & Exports

Saudi Arabia - Customs Update Affecting Imports & Exports

The situation created by the short notice introduction of the new instructions by Saudi Arabian customs is complex. It has led to an unpredictable situation at the border points with non-compliant freight and vehicles held , adding to transportation delays. The directions outlined in this Broadcast are designed to minimise the impact on the imports and exports moved by TNT and to ensure compliance with the new measures as long as they remain in force. The situation on the ground is being monitored closely and any significant changes in status will be notified through the Broadcast mechanism.
As a result of a process change in Saudi customs, the below communication is being broadcast to all Middle East customers. In light of the below information, we are continuing to engage the Saudi Customs Authority in regards to additional clarity on implementation of the new processes with further updates to be issued when available.
1) It is crucial that all new consignments collected comply with the below requirements to avoid any service delays. For consignment that have already entered the network, the respective customer services team must contact the sender to request the additional information which should be forwarded to the group name CUSTOM.INQUIRY.KSA.1.

2) All transit cons held in BAH will be given an "MRC" status update with all consignments held in the Bahrain Causeway or Al Bhata facilities given a "ID" status update. Due to potential capacity issues within Bahrain, a revised standard RO policy of 5 days will also be applied to all consignments for which the documentation is not received, with all costs being ISB'd to the origin country.
The Saudi Arabia Customs Authority have recently issued a new customs clearance requirement for both importers and exporters. This process requires the sender/shipper to present evidence, at the time of customs clearance, of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported to, or exported from, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. For example the financial transaction could be payment via cash, Letter of Credit, electronic remittance or any other legitimate financial means. Note, this specifically refers to the transaction between the seller and the buyer, and not to the financial transaction between the sender/receiver and the transporter, i.e. TNT. 

TNT has also received confirmation that the Saudi Customs clearance system has now been updated to accommodate this new information requirement with further system updates expected in the near future.
The new process therefore results in the following:

Applicable to all express products destined for Dammam & the Eastern province of  Saudi Arabia, all economy express products and all Full Truck Load (FTL) products destined for Saudi Arabia.

For consignments being customs cleared at the Bahrain / Saudi Causeway Clearance facility
Low Value Consignments (Value Exceeding SR 375 But Below SR 50,000)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported.
b) Alternatively, the importer of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods imported.

High Value Consignments (Value Exceeding SR 50,000)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported. 
b) If this is not available, a financial declaration form (Arabic) may be completed and must be signed and stamped by the sender and handed over to TNT at the time of collection. Note: An English version is available for reference purposes only.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods imported.
d) Alternatively, the importer of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.

For Full Truck Load consignments being customs cleared at the Al Bhata land border facility
All Consignments (regardless of the value)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being imported / exported. 
b) Alternatively, the importer of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods imported/exported.
d) As a further alternative for GCC origin consignments, the shipper may choose to pay all duties in the origin country and the consignment will be cleared in to Saudi Arabia via the recognised Makassa process. Please contact your local TNT Customer Service representative who will be able to provide further details on this option

Applicable to all consignments exiting Saudi Arabia via the Bahrain / Saudi Causeway Clearance facility

All Consignments (regardless of the value)
a) Each consignment should be accompanied by documented evidence of the financial transaction between the seller and the buyer of the goods being exported. 
b) Alternatively, the exporter of the goods can provide a Letter of Undertaking, referencing the TNT consignment number, stating that evidence of the financial transaction related to this consignment will be submitted to Saudi Customs within 3 months from the time of the customs clearance transaction.
c) Ideally, the method of financial transaction will also be included on the commercial invoice relating to the goods exported.

The above requirement is effective immediately. For consignments that are currently in transit, you will be contacted shortly by your respective TNT Customer Services team to obtain the required documentation. It would therefore be beneficial if you could start to compile this in advance to avoid any further delays to your consignments.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

사우디아라비아 세관은 최근 수출입에 관련된 새로운 통관규정을 공포하였습니다. 이 프로세스는
발송인/화주에게 세관통관 시점에 판매자와 구매자 사이에 결제에 관한 증명을 요구하도록 하고 있습니다.
결제증명의 예로는 현금지급증명서, 신용장, 전신환 또는 그 밖의 법적결제수단으로 결제하였음을
증명하는 서류를 의미합니다.
결제의 당사자는 판매자와 구매자가 되어야 하며, 발송인과 운송업체 사이의 결제는 해당이 안됩니다.
이와 관련된 보다 상세한 내용은 다음의 ExpressNet 통관관련 페이지에서 확인하실 수 있습니다.

SAUDI ARABIA - Customs Clearance Issues Update
TNT는 현재 Bahrain과 Saudi Arabia간의 환적화물 통관에 문제를 겪고 있습니다.
이는 모든 국가로부터 Bahrain행 Economy Express의 서비스 지연의 원인이 되고 있습니다.
Express 화물은 Dhahran을 통한 Eastern province행 non-document를 제외하고는
현재까지는 영향은 없습니다.
이는 산업전반에 걸치 문제이며, 현재 400대 가량의 차량이 Bahrain측에 지연대기 중인것으로
파악하고 있습니다. 현재 관련된 기관과 통관이 언제쯤 정상화될 수 있는지를
확인 중에 있습니다.
현재의 차량지연이 매우 심각하고 Bahrain 전역에 걸쳐 발생하고 있기 때문에 언제쯤
정상화될지는 예측할 수 없는 상황입니다. 통관상황이 개선될 경우 추가적으로
업데이트하도록 하겠습니다.

2012년 11월 4일 일요일

Japan, Import Restrictions

1 - Quarantine items into Japan
There are strict regulations covering the importation of quarantine or quarantine suspected items into Japan.
Any quarantine items or quarantine suspected items must be shipped to Japan as 'S' product on a separate MAWB.
Please refer to the Japan Quarantine Expressnet page for further details   http://expressnet.tnt.com/content/intranet/en_wn/site/home/Customs/jq.html

2 - Importation of knives to Japan
Knives are a strictly controlled commodity in Japan and cannot be sent as 15N or 48N.  They must be shipped as 'S' product on a separate MAWB.
All knives are subject to Customs inspection under the surveillance of the Japanese Police Department and often require a full explanation from the importer.  Also some types of knives are prohibited for importation into Japan.
Before shipping origins are required to contact Clearance.TYO.1@tnt.com for further clarification

3 - Temperature controlled shipments to Japan
Japan has relocated clearance point from NRT to TYO depot and TYO depot has no freezer / cooling facility.  Therefore any consignments needing temperature control must be shipped as 'S' product. so that they can be stored at NRT airport where freezer / cooling facilities are available.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 10월 21일 일요일

Botswana - Customs Update (Imports into Botswana)

Botswana - Customs Update (Imports into Botswana)
In May 2012 a broadcast was issued providing information on Customs import requirements into Botswana. There are still instances of non adherence to the requirements which is having a detrimental effect to the TNT service.  All origins should ensure adherence to the requirements below -

Due to continued non adherence to previous network broadcasts, Customs authorities have now urged TNT to enforce the below requirements, failing which all cargo will with immediate effect be held in transit (Customs States Warehouse) in JNB pending compliance.

For ease of reference please find below the document requirements -
For all non document shipments, a commercial invoice must be provided. Pro-forma invoices are not accepted and goods will be detained / stopped by Customs and clearance processing will be terminated pending compliance.
The commercial invoices must contain the following information and the Originals must accompany the actual consignment:-
1. Freight costs must be stipulated/predetermined on all commercial invoices.
2. Name and address of the consignor (shipper) and consignee (receiver), with contact details
3. Invoice date
4. Complete and meaningful description and origin of the goods
5. HS Code (Harmonized Tariff Code)
6. True value of the goods (price per item, total value per type of goods, total value and currency)
7. Under which conditions the cargo is shipped to the receiver (Incoterms)
8. Reason for export.
9. Statement of veracity, signature and date
10. No hand written invoices are allowed as the invoice must be computer generated.
Please ensure all commercial invoices have a truthful value and statements such as "value for customs purpose only" should be avoided at all times, as this leads to re-evaluation and additional fines.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 10월 18일 목요일

USA - Update of Policy on Importing Alcohol to the USA

USA - Update of Policy on Importing Alcohol to the USA

Please be informed, the TNT USA Alcohol Policy has been updated to provide a more competitive offering to our customers.  The new policy streamlines the clearance process, and reduces the fees associated with shipping alcohol to the USA.
Please see below link to the updated TNT USA Alcohol Policy. 

The main points that have changed in the policy are:
• Shipment can now be send as 15N at no additional delivery charges, additional delivery charges only apply to three US states: New Hampshire, New Jersey and Massachusetts.
• Total clearance fees are now $30 instead of $40 (This does not include: Duties, taxes and any Bond Fees that may occur)
• Clearance fees will be invoiced to the receiver, unless sent as DDP (prior agreement required).

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 10월 17일 수요일

Cuba - New Customs Regulations

Cuba -  New Customs Regulations

Be informed that  since 03 -September- 2012  Cuba Customs is applying the following regulations for shipments over 3 k  or  30 USD :

Duties and taxes for shipments addressed  to  private persons can only be pay by Receiver.
 ICR/ISB is not acceptable.

If duties and taxes are rejected, shipments will be returned  to origin.
Shipments can be held for a maximum of 30 days , after that period of time  must  be returned  to origin

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Russian Federation - Customs requirements for document shipments.

Russian Federation - Customs requirements for document shipments.

Please be informed that only documents which were written/printed on paper can be sent as "document shipment" (15D) to Russian Federation.  Any other type of shipment including CD of documents, etc. are regarded as non-document shipments.

All other non-document enclosures shipped as 'documents' (other then actual written or printed papers) are revealed by customs and considered to be a violation of RU Customs legislation.
In all cases where non-documents are found in Document bags - the whole TNT import cargo is stopped and total Customs inspection is performed.

Expected delay in delivery can be expected - no less than 24 hours.

Penalties applicable for these violation may also jeopardise TNT business in RU and lead to loss of the licences, therefore, please ensure ONLY true document shipments are shipped as documents to Russia.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Import restrictions for drugs / pharmaceuticals into Thailand

Import restrictions for drugs / pharmaceuticals into Thailand:

No person can import any drugs to Thailand unless an import license has been obtained prior to the consignment arrival into Thailand, otherwise customs clearance delays cannot be avoided.  In addition, if the import license is obtained after the consignment arrival, a customs fine will be levied on the receiver as an offence of misconduct in performing customs formality for such restricted commodity. Most importantly, failure to obtain the import license  will lead to the consignment being confiscated and destroyed by Customs,

The Import License exemption can be allowed for the following:

The importation by ministries, public bodies and departments who have their duties in preventing, controlling or treating disease and by the Thai Red Cross and the Government Pharmaceutical Organization.

For more information and enquiry before exporting such commodities from your origin country to Thailand you can access to http://www.fda.moph.go.th/eng/drug/index.stm

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts express net page below:

2012년 10월 7일 일요일

Mozambique Customs Requirements

Broadcast - Mozambique Customs Requirements

Please be advised that the following invoice requirement must be adhered too for all non-document shipments sent to Mozambique (MZ)
All invoices must state the receiver's NUIT number (VAT Registration number)
For those shippers that do not have the NUIT number for the consignee, should obtain this information from the consignee prior to shipping.
Should any shipment arrive into Mozambique where the NUIT number is not shown on the invoice, the shipment will be delayed by customs.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

Mozambique 세관 요청

다음의 인보이스 상의 요구사항이 Mozambique (MZ)으로 발송되는 non-document에 대하여 준수되어야 합니다.
모든 인보이스 상에는 수취인의 NUIT 번호 ( VAT 등록번호 )가 기재되여야 합니다.

수취인의 NUIT 번호를 알지 못하는 발송인은 선적전에 수취인으로부터 번호를 받아야 합니다.
인보이스 상에 NUIT 번호없이 Mozambique에 도착하는 화물의 경우에는 통관이 지연됨을 염두에 두시기 바랍니다.
이건 또는 통관관련된 보다 상세한 정보가 필요하신 경우에는 아래의 expressnet 상의 통관관련 페이지를
참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.


2012년 9월 27일 목요일

Indonesia - Personal Effect Cons to Indonesia

Indonesia - Personal Effect Cons to Indonesia
With effect, all personal consignments arriving into Indonesia should adhere to the latest Customs directives.
1) Receiver Name must be an Individual (not a company) and matches with Passport name.
2) Customs will enforced check on the accuracy of Shipper invoice declaration against TNT Clearance manifest. As such it is important cons and invoice data entered by origin must be 100% accurate.
3) The contents must state as follows, "Used Personal Belonging Items".
Failing to comply, it will be subjected to Customs approval in application for an amendment of the Customs manifest data, which will take more than a week and will incurred additional storage charges. Should you require any clarification, please contact clearance.jkt.1@tnt.com.
For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet

Indonesia - 개인물품
Indonesia에 도착하는 모든 개인물품은 아래의 최신 세관지침을 따라주시기 바랍니다.
1) 수취인 이름은 개인의 이름과 여권상의 이름이 일치하여야 합니다.
2) 세관은 TNT의 Manifest상의 가격과 Invoice 상의 가격이 일치하여야 합니다.
3) 품명에는 "Used Personal Belonging Items"라고 기재되어야 합니다.

위의 내용을 따르지 않은 경우에는 Customs manifest data를 수정하기 위한 신청서을 작성하고
승인을 받아야 하며, 이 기간이 1주일 이상 소요될 예정이며, 보관료가 발생될 수 있습니다.

상기의 내용과 관련된 문의가 있으신 경우에는 clearance.jkt.1@tnt.com으로 연락주시기

보다 자세한 통관관련 사항이 필요하신 경우에는 Expressnet의 Customs Broadcast를
참고하시기 바랍니다.


2012년 9월 26일 수요일

Malaysia - Import and Export Permit requirement

Malaysia - Import and Export Permit requirement for Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988
Please be advised that with effective from 03Sep2012, Airlines Ground Handling Agent (GHA) in Malaysia, who handles all Inbound and Outbound flights to/from Malaysia will comply to Prevention & Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988.
All Human Remains, Human Tissues and Pathogenic Organisms or Substances that are listed in the Act shall be subject to Approved Permit by Ministry of Health. The sender or receiver in Malaysia, who do not have a valid approved permit, to import or export any Human Remains, Human Tissues and Pathogenic Organisms or Substances that are listed in the Act will not be carried by any airlines.
Failing to comply to this will result in:
(1) TNT Malaysia being blacklisted by Airlines Ground Handling Agent
(2) Any fines imposed and handling cost will be charged back to origin country
Kindly contact Malaysia Healthcare Team (email: Healthcare.My@tnt.com) or Special Services Team (email: MY.Special.Services@tnt.com) for more information on this implementation throughout Malaysia.

2012년 9월 25일 화요일



Please be informed that all NON-DOCUMENT consignments arriving in Bangladesh should follow the instructions given below:
1) Description of contents should be clear (vague descriptions such as "Fabric, Garments, Swatches, Spare Parts" should not be mentioned)
2) Description, Value, Weight mentioned in the physical invoice must match the system data (customs will check both invoice and manifest).  It is of utmost important that information given on the invoice matches the manifest data.
3) Only Printed Invoice (avoid handwritten invoices) are permitted, and should be in English only.

Consignments arriving without complying with the above mentioned Customs requirements will be imposed with unlimited penalty by Bangladesh Customs (as per Customs Act 1969), which will be charged back to origin/sender.
Should you require any clarification, please contact the TNT offices in Bangladesh

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

BANGLADESH에 도착하는 모든 NON-DOCUMENT 화물은 다음의 사항을 준수하여야 합니다.:
1) 화물의 내용물은 명확하게 기재되어야 합니다. ("Fabric, Garments, Swatches, Spare parts"와 같은
   모호한 품명을 기재하면 안됩니다.)
2) Invoice에 기재된 품명, 가격, 중량은 반드시 시스템 상의 데이터와 일치하여야 합니다. (세관에서는
   Invoice와 Manifest를 모두 확인할 예정입니다.)
3) 인쇄된 Invoice만이 인정됩니다(수기로 기재된 Invoice는 불허). 또한 반드시 영문으로 기재되어야 합니다.

상기의 요구사항에 따르지 않은 화물은 Bangladesh 세관에 의해서 제한없이 벌금이 부과될 예정입니다.
또한 이 벌금은 발송국/발송인에게 청구될 예정입니다.

보다 자세한 내용을 원하는시는 경우에는 Bangladesh의 TNT Office로 연락주시기 바랍니다.
상기의 내용 또는 통관과 관련된 Broadcasts의 확인을 원하시는 경우에는 ExpressNet의 통관관련
페이지를 참고하시기 바랍니다.


2012년 9월 24일 월요일

Kenya - New Clearance Requirement for Spare Parts

Kenya - New Clearance Requirement for Spare Parts
Customs have withdrawn Direct Assessment (F147) for all express (courier) import shipments containing spare parts with immediate effect.
All spare parts shipments will now have to go through a formal clearance process which includes applying and procuring an IDF (Import Declaration Form) followed by filing a formal customs entry to facilitate inspection & verification before final clearance.
Please expect delays in clearance due to this new development whilst all efforts are made by various Industry Associations to revert to normal  customs requirements.
Please keep all escalations to a minimum in the interim.

Kenya - Spare Parts의 새로운 통관규정

세관은 Spare Parts를 포함하는 모든 특송화물 수입 시 직접 판정(F147)를 중단하였습니다.
모든 Spare Parts는 검사를 위하여 정식통관신고를 하여야 하며, IDF(수입신고서)를 제출하여야 하는
정식통관절차를 따라야 합니다.

따라서 새로운 통관규정의 적용에 따라 통관지연이 예상됩니다.
이와 관련된 escalation를 최소화하여 주시기 바랍니다.

2012년 9월 16일 일요일

Mozambique Customs Update (Imports into Mozambique)

Mozambique Customs Update (Imports into Mozambique)
Below are the requirements when sending freight into Mozambique.
For all non - document shipments, an original commercial invoice must be provided. Pro-forma invoices are not accepted and will be detained / stopped by Customs and processing thereof will be terminated pending on compliance.
The commercial invoices must contain the following information and the Originals thereof must accompany the actual consignment: -
1. All Freight cost must be stipulated / predetermined on all commercial invoices.
2. Name and address of the consignor (Shipper) and consignee (Receiver),with contact details
3. Invoice date
4. Complete and meaningful description and the origin of the goods
5. HS Code (Harmonised Tariff Code)
6. True value of the goods (Price per item, total value per type of goods, total value and currency)
7. Under which conditions the cargo is shipped to the receiver (Incoterms)
8. Reason for export.
9. Statement of veracity, signature and date
10. No hand written invoices are allowed as the invoice must be computer generated.

Please ensure all commercial invoices have a truthful value, statements as "value for customs purpose only" should be avoided at all times, as this leads to re-evaluation and additional fines.

US - Solid Wood Packing Materials

US - Solid Wood Packing Materials

Please ensure that when shipping Solid Wood Packing Materials (SWPM) to the US they are properly marked to certify that they were treated.
The rule requires SWPM, such as pallets, crates, boxes, and Dunn age used to support or brace cargo, to be treated and marked. In cases of noncompliance, the WPM will be subject to immediate export along with the accompanying cargo.
The approved treatments for wood packaging material are 1) heat treatment to a minimum wood core temperature of 56ºC for a minimum of 30 minutes or 2) fumigation with methyl bromide. To certify treatment, the WPM must be marked with the following International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) logo. Paper certificates of treatment will no longer be required or accepted.

CBP USDA has started to audit US Hubs and instructed the HUBS to Return to Origin any pallets, plus the shipments on the pallets, not found in compliance.

US - 목재 포장재
미국으로의 화물에 대한 목재 포장(SWPM)시에 적절한 마킹이 되어야 합니다.
이 규정은 파렛트, 나무상자, 박스와 화물을 지지하기 위하여 사용되는 지지대에 적용됩니다.
이 규정을 따르지 않은 경우에는 목재포장재는 화물과 함께 반송될 예정입니다.

목재 포장재에 대한 적절한 처리로 인정되는 경우는 (1) 최소 56도 이상에서 30분 이상 열처리가
되어 있는 경우, (2) 멸충처리 혼합가스를 통한 훈증처리 입니다. 처리에 대한 인증을 받기 위해서는
목재 장재에 IPPC logo가 있는 마킹이 되어야 합니다. 처리에 대한 인증서는 더 이상 필요하지
않으며, 인정되지 않을 것 입니다.

(See attached file: Solid Wood Packing Materials.docx)
CBP USDA는 미국내 Hub에서 감사를 시작하였으며, 이를 준수하지 않는 화물에 대해서는
모든 파렛트와 함께 화물 역시 발송지로 반송하도록 지시하였습니다.

Singapore Customs Update – Wine or Alcoholic Beverages Import into Singapore

Singapore Customs Update – Wine or Alcoholic Beverages Import into Singapore
Wine or alcoholic beverages imports into Singapore are subjected to duties & taxes payment. Shipping document must state the volume per bottle (quantity in litres) and the alcoholic content in % for each type of wine or alcohol beverages. Any incomplete information will be subjected to customs clearance delay in Singapore. Attached is the Wine Importation Customs Declaration From which can be used by the shipper for declaration of wine or alcoholic beverages import into Singapore.
싱가폴 통관정보 업데이트 - 와인 또는 주류 수입
싱가폴로의 와인 또는 주류 수입은 관세와 세금을 지불하여야 합니다. 선적서류에는 병의 용량과
와인 또는 주류의 알콜 농도가 %로 표기되어야 합니다. 불충분한 정보는 통관지연의 사유가
될 것입니다. 첨부된 주류 수입 신고서를 사용하여 화주는 싱가폴로 수입되는 와인 또는
주류에 대한 신고를 하여야 합니다.


2012년 9월 13일 목요일

Qatar COO requirement for consignments arriving by air

Qatar COO requirement for consignments arriving by air
Please note the new Qatar COO requirement for consignments arriving by air has been implemented:
1) Consignments containing commodities manufactured within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, must be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin (COO) containing an original (ink) stamp and original signature.
2) For consignments containing commodities manufactured outside of the GCC countries, an electronically generated COO (and electronically generated stamp and signature) is acceptable.
Note: The above applies to online COOs issued in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Certificate of Origin issued in the other GCC countries are not managed via a similar online system and are therefore not impacted. Consignments arriving by road are also not impacted by the above.
Additional updates will be communicated if the situation changes.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

2012년 9월 10일 월요일

Customs Regulations - Russia

Russian Federation - Customs Requirements at Russian Boarder
In accordance the decision of Customs Union of Republic of Belorussia, Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation,  with which the common sanitary rule have been set up. The commission had determined that the below list of goods have to be sanitary controlled on the customs border and customs territory.  This means that Phyto Certificates have to be presented on the Russian Federation border (in general it is the Finland - Russia border) for all the listed goods.
Please find attached the list of goods and information on which customs commodity codes have to licensed. 

Due to this new rule, we will have to stop all 48N shipments in Finland, check manifests, and inform Finland which consignments can be loaded to the truck bound for Russia and which cons need to be held in Finland until our customers provide TNT with certificate for border clearance.
To support this process and reduce any delays please ensure that customers, CS and all involved persons are informed in advance about customs rules in relation to the Russian Federation border crossing.

For details of this and all other clearance related broadcasts, please visit the dedicated Customs Broadcasts expressnet page below:

러시아 연방 - 러시아 국경 통관시 요구사항
Belorussia, Kazakhstan과 Russia 연방의 세관 연합의 결정에 따라 일반적 검역 규정이 제정되었습니다.
세관 연합 위원회에서는 아래에 기재된 물품에 대하여는 검역을 받아야 한다고 결정하였습니다.
이는 러시아 연방의 지역에서는 (일반적으로 Russia와 Finland 국경) 아래에 기재된 물품에 대해서는
식물검역증이 제시되어야 한다는 의미입니다.

첨부에서 면허를 얻어야 되는 상품의 코드에 관한 정보를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
(See attached file: Import Stop List for 48N to RU.xls)
새로운 규정으로 인하여 Finland에서의 모든 48N 서비스를 중단할 예정이며, manifest를 확인하고,
Russia행 트럭에 적재된 물품과 고객이 TNT에 국경 통관을 위한 인증서를 제공할 때까지 Finland에
머물러야 되는 물품에 대해서는 Finland에 그 정보를 제공해야 합니다.

이러한 절차를 준수하고 지연을 예방하기 위하여 고객, CS와 관련된 모든 직원들에게
러시아 연방 국경 통관에 관한 세관규정을 공지하여 주시기 바랍니다.

이 사안 또는 다른 통관 관련 Broadcast에 관한 상세한 사항은 아래의 expressnet의 세관관련
Broadcast를 방문하여 주시기 바랍니다.


2012년 9월 6일 목요일


Further reminder on Broadcast - Malaysia  (ISPM - 15 Regulations)
With regards to the implementation of  ISPM no. 15 by the Department Of Agriculture in Malaysia which was made
effective on 1st January 2010,  kindly be reminded that all Wood Packaging Materials used for consignments importing
into Malaysia need to be treated / fumigated adequately to meet the standards of this regulation.

a) All treated / fumigated Wood Packaging Material shall be marked according to ISPM-15 standards
b) Additionally, all Wood Packaging Materials bound for the following specific destinations  should also be
     furnished with the respective Fumigation (or) Heat Treatment Certificate

      i) Federal Territory of Labuan
     ii) Kota Kinabalu
Any shipment which does not comply to the above regulations will result in clearance delays and any fine
imposed by the governing authority due to non-compliance will be charged back to country of origin.


Malaysia의 ISPM - 15 규정에 대한 재공지입니다.
말레이지아의 농림부에서는 2010년 1월 1일부터 ISPM no, 15을 실시할 예정이며, 이와 관련하여
말레이지아행 모든 목재포장제는 규정에 맞는 처리와 훈증소독처리를 거쳐야 합니다.
a) 훈증소독처리 및 적절한 처리를 거친 목재포장제는 ISPM-15의 규정에 따라 마킹을 해야 합니다.
b) 추가로 다음의 지역으로 운송되는 모든 목재포장제는 각각 훈증소독 또는 열처리 소독에 대한
   인증서가 제공되어야 합니다.
    i) Labuan 지역
    ii) Kota Kinabalu
이 규정에 위반한 모든 화물는 수입통관이 지연될 것이며, 정부에 의해 부과되는 벌금은
origin 국가로 청구될 예정입니다.

2012년 9월 2일 일요일

South Africa Customs Update Regarding usage of General Importers Code

South Africa Customs Update Regarding usage of General Importers Code

For all Importers and Exporters that do not have an Importers Code registered with South African Revenue Service, the general rules below still apply, but additional data will be required as of 1 September 2012

General Rules for Importers:
- Value can not exceed R20000.00 (ZAR)
- Goods can not be for Commercial use
- Receiver can only import up to 3 times per year, without registering for an Importers Code

With effect from 01 September 2012 the rules as above continue to apply, and in addition, the Importer / Exporter  will be classified as an "Unregistered Trader", for which either a South African Identity Number or Tax Identification number must be added to the declaration.

Either of the above documents will need to be made available by the Importer/ Exporter prior to the declaration being prepared for customs submission. This in turn could cause delays in the clearance process through Johannesburg and Cape Town, therefore please make all effort to ensure imports / exporters requirements are met.


수입인 Code 사용과 관련된 South Africa의 통관정보 업데이트

South Africa의 Revenue Service에 수입인 Code 등록이 되지 않은 모든 수입인과 수출인은
아래의 규칙에 따라야 하며, 2012년 9월 1일부터는 추가적인 정보를 제공해야 합니다.

수입인에 관한 일반적인 규칙;
- R20000.00 (ZAR)을 초과하지 말아야 함
- 거래목적의 상품은 불허
- 수취인은 수입인 Code 등록없이 1년당 3회까지만 수입이 가능

2012년 9월 1일 이후에도 상기의 규칙이 지속적으로 적용되며, 이에 추가하여 수입인 / 수출인은
"미등록 거래자 - Unregistered Trader"로 분류될 예정이며, South Africa의 ID 번호 또는
Tax ID 번호가 세관 신고 시에 제공되어야 합니다.

상기의 서류 중 반드시 하나 이상이 세관에 신고 전에 수입인 / 수출인에 의해서
구비되어야 합니다. 만약 이에 따르지 않는 경우에는 Johannesburg 또는 Cape Town에서의
통관지연을 초래할 수 있으므로, 반드시 수입인 / 수출인은 이 요구에 부응하도록
조치를 취해줄 것을 요청하시기 바랍니다.

2012년 8월 29일 수요일

인보이스 원본_Co-mail

Destination의 요청에 의하여 Co-mail을 통하여 보내는 서류(인보이스, 원산지증명서 등등)는
반드시 "원본" 및 "최신 업데이트"된 내용이 기재된 서류
를 보내주시기 바랍니다.

일반적인 사본은 PACS을 통하여 출력이 가능하므로, Destination에서 서류를 요청하는 경우는
대부분의 경우 원본을 필요로 하는 사안이므로 이를 참고하여 주시기 바랍니다.

2012년 8월 7일 화요일

QATAR - Import Requirements

Issue date: 2012.08.07

QATAR - Import Requirements

1. All Global Express Consignments (15D & 15N) weighing below 99 KG are cleared in Express Terminal and Express Clearance is applied. 2. Global Express Consignments (15D & 15N) arriving into Qatar with weight (per consignment) exceeding 99 KG will be transferred to Freight Terminal and Freight Clearance will be applied.
3. WEF/Economy Express Consignments (S87 & 48N) are cleared in Freight Terminal and Freight clearance is applied
Paperwork/Procedure Required for Express Clearance:
- Made in Label on the contents (Legal case will be filed by customs for contents arriving without made in label)
-  HS Code should be mentioned in Invoice
-  Receiving Customer should have Import License for the clearance. (Consignment cannot be cleared until consignee obtains a new import license from Qatar Customs, failing to obtain a import license will attract penalty on the consignment, which will be charged back to origin)
-  Value mentioned in the invoice should match the value provided in system (Incorrect/mismatch value mentioned will attract penalty)
 Paperwork/Procedure Required for Freight Clearance:
Items mentioned above for Express Clearance, but ALSO to include;
- Packing List
- Original Printed Invoice (in Company Letterhead) attested by Chamber of Commerce
- Original Certificate of Origin attested by Chamber of Commerce
 - Electronic Certificate of Origin (COO) acceptable provided it has Chamber of Commerce stamp/seal in "wet ink". (In case of missing stamp/seal then Invoice and COO should be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Qatar by Receiver at a cost.)
 - Made in Label is mandatory on the contents (should match with the COO and invoice.)
Note: Consignment arriving without the above mentioned PPWKS for express or freight clearance will be held in customs and can be cleared only after these PPWKS were received from Origin, when the consignment is held in customs for more than 3 days then storage charges applied, which will be charged back to Origin.
4. Consignment Abandon or Destroy Requests -  this is not possible, as Qatar Customs rules does not have provision in their rule books for Consignment Abandon/Destroy in their warehouse, the only option available is to return the shipment (WEF "S88" mode only) to origin/shipper (forwarding costs, penalty, storage and other taxes incurred will be charged back to origin).

QATAR - 수입통관 필요사항
1. 모든 99KG이하의 Global Express 화물(15D & 15N)은 Express Terminal에서 통관되며 Express 통관절차가 적용됩니다.
2. QATAR에 도착하는 Express화물 (15N & 15D) 중 Consignment 기준으로 99KG를 초과하는 화물에 대해서는
   Freight Terminal로 이고되며, Freight의 통관절차가 적용됩니다.

3. WEF/Economy Express 화물 (S87 & 48N)의 경우에는 Freight Terminal에서 통관되며, Freight 통관절차가

Express 통관에 필요한 서류 및 절차
- 화물에 부착된 원산지 라벨 (라벨이 없이 도착된 경우에는 세관에서 소송절차를 진행할 수 있음)
- Invoice 상에 기재된 HS Code.
- 수취인은 통관에 필요한 수입업 면허가 있어야 함. ( 세관으로부터 수입면허를 득하기 전까지는
  통관을 진행할 수 없으며, 수입면허를 득하지 못한 경우에 발생되는 Penalty는 Origin에 청구할
- Invoice상의 Value는 시스템상의 Value와 일치하여야 함. (부정확하거나 불일치하는 경우에는
  Penalty가 부과될 수 있음.)

Freight 통관에 필요한 서류 및 절차 
Express 통관절차에 필요한 서류 및 기타 다음의 것들이 추가로 필요합니다.
- Packing List
- 상공회의소가 보증하는 (회사로고가 인쇄된) 원본에 출력된 Invoice
- 상공회의소가 보증하는 원산지 증명
- 인정가능한 전자원산지증명(COO) - 상공회의소의 직인이 찍혀 있는 - (만약 직인이 없는 경우에는 Invoice나
   COO에 QATAR의 외무부장관의 승인이 있어야 합니다.)
- 화물에 원산지 라벨은 반드시 부착되어야 하며, COO와 Invoice와 일치하여야 함

주의 : 위의 서류가 없이 도착되는 화물은 세관에서 통관이 이루어지며, 원산지로부터 서류를 받은 후에 통관을
       할 수 있음. 또한 세관에 3일 이상 보류되어 있는 경우에는 창고료가 발생될 예정이며,
       원산지로 청구될 예정입니다.

4. 통관거절이나 폐기요청 화물 - QATAR 세관의 법규는 창고에서의 폐기를 허용하고 있지 않습니다.
   이는 원산지로 반송만이 가능하며( WEF "S88" mode만 가능) 이 경우에 반송비용, 벌금, 창고료 및
   기타 발생되는 제반경비를 원산지로 청구할 예정입니다.